Discover HAPE events and performances

Around the world, HAPE Collective organises EVENTS and PERFORMANCES, showcasing the work developed with the artists, bringing together different crowds and incentivizing encounters in iconic places.


A HAPE EVENT is a happening, festival or manifestation entirely organised by the Collective. This means that we curate everything, from the locations to the art and music selection. 

An event is not just a party. It strives to promote social interchanges, create a platform for sharing music and culture, facilitate encounters. 

The places chosen for these events have themselves a story to tell: forgotten, hidden, extra-ordinary places with a great artistic, natural and architectural value.

The partnerships we develop to power the events involve local associations, groups and enterprises, adding a local flavor to the Collective transnational touch, valorizing local culture, and creating bridges between the local and the global.

(Laurent, the idea is that we have just a few lines and then a button that says "show all content') 


A HAPE PERFORMANCE is a party, festival or showcase the HAPE Collective has been invited to participate to, bringing one or several artists and some HAPE vibes to an event organised by someone else.

This is an opportunity to showcase the work DJs and musicians are continuously developing off stage. And a way to strengthen links with other organisations and crowds.

One of the main features of both events and performances is to link traditional instruments with electronic music.

(Laurent, the idea is that we have just a few lines and then a button that says "show all content') 


Check the galleries to have a glimpse of HAPE events and performances.